Alternative therapies like acupuncture, counselling, reflexology, and reiki can be effective in promoting mental health and wellness.

Promoting Mental Health and Wellness Naturally

Mental health and wellness are essential components of overall well-being. However, in today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to neglect our mental health. Stress, anxiety, and depression are common issues that affect people of all ages. While medication can be effective, there are also natural ways that can provide relief. May is mental health and wellness

Reflexology is a holistic healing therapy that works with your body's energy system to promote balance and well-being.

What Does Reflexology Do?

You’ve heard of reflexology and know there’s something about it that appeals to you. You’re intrigued by the mystery of pressure points on the feet affecting different parts of the body. But what does reflexology really do? Let’s explore reflexology and why you should include it in your wellness regime. Is there any truth to

Want To Make Your First Reflexology Foot Massage Appointment? Here's What to Expect at My Rest!

Want To Make Your First Reflexology Foot Massage Appointment? Here’s What to Expect at My Rest!

When times get stressful and busy, it might seem near impossible to take the time for self-care, but I’ve learned that that is exactly what we must do. Spending long hours on my feet, working, and running errands, my feet—and the rest of me—were sore and tired. So, I carved some time out of my