Want To Make Your First Reflexology Foot Massage Appointment? Here’s What to Expect at My Rest!

Want To Make Your First Reflexology Foot Massage Appointment? Here's What to Expect at My Rest!

When times get stressful and busy, it might seem near impossible to take the time for self-care, but I’ve learned that that is exactly what we must do. Spending long hours on my feet, working, and running errands, my feet—and the rest of me—were sore and tired. So, I carved some time out of my day and booked in for a reflexology foot massage session.

If you’ve been looking for a way to de-stress, support your body’s ability to heal, and feel rested and relaxed, then reflexology is something you’ve got to try. In this article, I’ll tell you a bit about reflexology, what you can expect at My Rest, and my experience.

What is reflexology foot massage?

Reflexology is a form of alternative medicine that uses specific pressure techniques to stimulate points and trigger the body’s natural self-healing abilities. Many of these points, used to treat the whole body, are on the feet.

Do I need to do anything before getting a reflexology foot massage treatment?

It’s best to come in for your treatment neither hungry nor overly full, as you don’t want to have your blood sugar drop and leave you lightheaded nor do you want to be uncomfortably stuffed. Wear comfortable clothing that allows for easy access to your lower legs and feet. Easy peasy.

Does reflexology foot massage hurt?

My calves are often tight, and my feet were sore when I went for my treatment. But the treatment starts off with a foot soak in warm water, and because I had booked for an hour, I also got a shoulder and neck massage while I sat. These things helped me feel less tense.

While there are some tight areas that felt a bit uncomfortable, it was not painful, and these were spots that I knew needed some work. Of course, if it had been too strong, I knew I could tell Mat and he’d ease up.

What should I expect during a session?

Reflexology is a very relaxing experience. After about 10 minutes of the foot soak with a shoulder massage, I got to lie face up on the table while the reflexologist, Mat, used his hands and a massage tool with oil to massage my feet and lower legs, one foot and leg first and then the other.

In comparison to reflexology foot massage sessions I’ve had at reflexology studios, I would say that I felt that Mat’s treatment was more personalized and therapeutic. It also felt more restful to be lying down instead of seated.

What happens after the treatment?

The treatment was very relaxing, not just for the muscles and tissues of my feet and legs, but my overall feeling during and after was calm and like I’d just had a deep rest.

It’s helpful to take some deep breaths and stretch a bit before slowly coming to standing. After all, not only do you want to make sure you’re not dizzy when you get upright, but you also want to extend the benefits of the treatment as long as possible by setting it into your nervous system. After any therapeutic treatment, it’s also always a good idea to rehydrate.

Walking out after my session, my feet felt like I was walking on pillows and my mind felt rested and less cluttered. What a great way to feel restored and ready to get back to my busy week.

How many sessions do I need?

Reflexology is a great way to improve your health and wellness, but how many sessions do you need?

That depends on what you’re looking to achieve. If you’re just looking to get started on the path to better health and well-being, one session might be all you want for now. But if you’ve been having trouble with a specific issue or ailment, multiple sessions may be needed to address it effectively.

A reflexology foot massage is not only relaxing, but it is also amazingly beneficial to your health.

Book your first appointment with Mat today.