Alternative therapies like acupuncture, counselling, reflexology, and reiki can be effective in promoting mental health and wellness.

Promoting Mental Health and Wellness Naturally

Mental health and wellness are essential components of overall well-being. However, in today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to neglect our mental health. Stress, anxiety, and depression are common issues that affect people of all ages. While medication can be effective, there are also natural ways that can provide relief. May is mental health and wellness

Spring is the time for cleaning, but what about your health? Spring cleaning your health can be even more rewarding, and it doesn't take nearly as much effort.

7 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Health

Spring is the time for cleaning, but what about your health? Spring cleaning your health can be even more rewarding, and it doesn’t take nearly as much effort. What does it mean to spring clean your health? It means taking time to evaluate your habits, routines, and lifestyle so that you can identify areas where

Breath hacks for stress and fatigue Vancouver


Are you looking for some quick and simple tools to relax  or to get sharp?

Our  lungs are our greatest ally in not just sustaining life, but for stabilising energy and moods. And they are with us wherever we go!

Whether you feel sluggish and foggy or anxious and stressed, there is quick way to transform this into clarity and energy or peace and calm.  And it only costs you time.