7 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Health

Spring is the time for cleaning, but what about your health? Spring cleaning your health can be even more rewarding, and it doesn't take nearly as much effort.

Spring is the time for cleaning, but what about your health? Spring cleaning your health can be even more rewarding, and it doesn’t take nearly as much effort.

What does it mean to spring clean your health? It means taking time to evaluate your habits, routines, and lifestyle so that you can identify areas where you can make small changes that will have a big impact on your overall well-being.

Don’t worry, this doesn’t mean you need to overhaul everything at once. It’s better to make small tweaks over time than to try and make sweeping changes all at once.

If you’re ready to make some changes in your life, here are some helpful tips:

#1. Fill Your Plate With Fresh, In-Season Fruits and Vegetables

Start with fresh fruits and vegetables in season, rather than frozen or canned varieties. These will provide more nutrients than their processed counterparts, which often lose vitamins and minerals during processing.

If you’re looking for a way to add more fresh produce to your diet, there’s no better way than by buying locally. Local fruits and veggies are typically grown without pesticides or chemicals, so they’re healthier for you too. Plus, eating seasonally ensures that you’ll get the most nutritious food possible because these foods have not been transported across the country (or around the world).

#2. Stay Hydrated

When it comes to spring cleaning, there’s nothing more important than staying hydrated. As spring rolls around and the weather warms up, you’re probably spending more time outdoors — which means you need to make sure you’re drinking enough water.

From the moment you wake up until you hit the hay at night, drink around eight glasses of water per day. This will help flush toxins from your body and keep you feeling light on your feet all day long.

#3. Get Outside and Get Moving

Spring is a great time to get outside and get moving. There are so many ways to stay active in the spring, from hiking and gardening to walking and biking. And if you’re looking for more specific activities, there are plenty of exercises you can do to strengthen certain areas of your body or help improve your overall health.

The spring months are also a great time to try new physical activities that you might not be able to do during other times of the year. For example, yoga classes are often offered at outdoor parks during the warmer months. And the weather isn’t cooperating (this is Vancouver, after all), there are plenty of indoor workouts you can do in your own home.

#4. Soak Up the Sun (Within Reason, Of Course)

The sun’s rays have been shown to have many health benefits, including boosting mood, helping us sleep better, and even reducing our risk of cancer. So take advantage of the warmer weather and spend some time soaking up some vitamin D!

So, if you can take advantage of any nice weather to spend time outdoors. Even if it’s just for a few minutes each day, a little sunshine can go a long way.

#5. Reset Your Sleep Schedule

As the days get longer, so do the hours we spend awake. If you live in a place where daylight saving time happens in March or April as we do here on the West Coast, that means an extra hour of sunlight each day — which can really disrupt your sleep schedule if you’re not careful!

It’s important to give yourself enough time during daylight savings so that you’re able to adjust back to your normal sleep pattern.

#6. Watch for Allergens (Both Indoors and Out)

The pollen count might be high during springtime, but pollen isn’t the only thing that can trigger allergies. Dust mites and pet dander can cause sneezing, itchy eyes and runny noses too — especially if you’re allergic to them.

Spring is also when mold spores begin to grow indoors as well as outdoors, increasing allergy symptoms in many people. To help prevent these problems, keep windows closed as much as possible during high-pollen times. This will keep pollen out of your home — and off yourself!

#7. Check In With Your Healthcare Provider

The first step toward cleaning up your health and wellness routine is checking in with your healthcare provider. It’s important to have an open dialogue with your practitioner about what is working and what needs improvement in your health plan. Acupuncture, reiki, ayurvedic head massage, tui na, and counselling are all great ways to improve your health this spring.

There are many quick and easy ways you can spring clean your health this season, and I encourage you to try them out. Increase your health as much as possible this spring by incorporating these tips into your daily routine. The benefits will last you all year round.