Why This Spring Is the Perfect Time for Dermapen Micro-Needling

Dermapen Micro-Needling

With the unusually long rainy spring we’ve been having, we know that you’re probably longing for those warm sunny days. But if you are looking to give your skin back its youthful luster, now just might be the best time for dermapen micro-needling treatments before those hazy days of summer arrive. Here are some of the many benefits of getting dermapen micro-needling treatments this spring.

Dermapen micro-needling sends your skin into healing mode

The dermapen micro-needling process sends the body into healing mode, prompting it to produce collagen. Collagen is the key to youthful, healthy skin. If you want to keep your skin looking healthy, then it’s important to keep collagen levels high. The micro-needing process does this by creating tiny holes in the skin that encourage collagen production and repair.

If you want proof of how effective this process can be for aging or damaged skin, look no further than our own bodies: we were born with just a few layers of cells covering our outsides (the epidermis). As we age, those cells start dying off naturally and are replaced by new ones generated from beneath them (the dermis). This process slows down as we age—so much so that when we reach our 80s or 90s it stops altogether!

That means we stop producing new cells needed for proper maintenance of our outermost layer, which leads directly to wrinkles and other signs of aging. But if you increase your collagen production with dermapen micro-needling treatments, then you’ll rejuvenate those dead layers faster than they normally would regenerate themselves naturally—and voila! No more wrinkles!

Dermapen micro-needling can help address acne scarring

Acne scars can be caused by a variety of factors, like inflammation, infection, or trauma. Dermapen micro-needling is clinically proven to help address acne scarring by stimulating the body’s natural healing response and promoting collagen production in your skin.

Dermapen micro-needling is not just for your face

Dermapen is not just for the face. This treatment can be used on your neck, chest, hands, and legs too! It’s also great for treating cellulite and stretch marks on the body. What’s more, this natural treatment is used to improve overall skin texture by creating a more youthful-looking appearance.

You may see immediate results, but the best results require multiple treatments

While you may see immediate results, the best results require multiple treatments. Each treatment can take from 30 minutes to an hour depending on the area being treated.

The number of sessions needed depends on your condition and how quickly you respond to treatment. For example, if you have acne scarring or stretch marks, it could take several months for them to disappear completely, whereas other conditions like age spots can be removed in less time.

You don’t need any post-treatment downtime with micro-needling

You won’t need any post-treatment downtime with micro-needling. In fact, you can resume regular activities immediately after your session.

After the treatment, your face may look red for 1-2 days as your body heals from the procedure. It’s important to avoid sun exposure during this time because it could cause irritation or inflammation from overexposure to UV rays—but with the grey spring we’ve been having, you should have no problem shielding yourself from the sun.

There’s no age limit on dermapen treatments

Dermapen micro-needling is a safe, non-invasive treatment that’s appropriate for all ages. It can help with acne scarring, wrinkles and fine lines, skin texture, and tone.

If you’re looking for a way to rejuvenate your skin and feel better about the way you look, consider trying dermapen micro-needling. This treatment can be used on any area of the body and is safe for all ages, so it may be a great option for anyone who feels like their skin needs some TLC.

Book in at My Rest

If you’d like to feel good both on the inside as well as about how you appear on the outside, book in your dermapen micro-needling and acupuncture appointment with Ala Wroblewska. A bonus is that many extended health insurance plans cover acupuncture, and we can do direct billing.