How Acupuncture Can Help Relieve K9-Caused Shoulder Pain

If you're suffering from K9 shoulder pain, read on to learn how acupuncture can help provide relief.

Who knew walking your dog could be a recipe for shoulder pain?

Walking your dog is a good way to get some exercise and spend some quality time with your fur baby. But did you know that walking your dog can actually cause shoulder pain? This problem usually happens when your fur baby bolts on his leash, leaving your shoulder feeling like it has been yanked out of its socket. If you’re suffering from K9 shoulder aches and pain, read on to learn how acupuncture can help provide relief.

How Walking Your Dog Can Cause Shoulder Pain

If you’ve ever taken your dog for a walk, you know that it’s not always easy. You may have to pull on their leash or use a harness to keep them from pulling you. Dogs often get excited when they see other dogs or people and want to run over and say hello. As a result, many dog owners experience shoulder pain after walking their dogs.

When you walk your dog, you are carrying the weight of the leash in one hand and pulling on it with the other. This can cause the muscles in your shoulders to become overworked and damaged, which may lead to pain.

Vancouver Acupuncture can help relieve this pain by relaxing tense muscles and improving circulation to damaged areas.

How Does Acupuncture Treat My Shoulder Pain?

Shoulder pain can be caused by various issues, including joint injuries, muscle strain, arthritis, and other chronic conditions. Acupuncture is an effective way to treat shoulder pain, even when it has been present for years.

Acupuncture uses fine needles to stimulate specific points in the body that are associated with certain ailments. The needles provide relief by triggering your body’s natural healing process. Our licensed acupuncturists will place the needles at specific points in your body to help improve circulation and reduce swelling in tissues surrounding the injury site.

Acupuncture can also help restore the flow of blood and lymphatic fluid throughout your body. When these systems aren’t working properly, they can lead to swelling and inflammation which may cause pain or discomfort in your shoulder area.

In addition to relieving pain associated with shoulder injuries, Vancouver acupuncture can also help resolve symptoms related to arthritis such as inflammation and stiffness in joints. By increasing blood flow throughout the body, acupuncture can improve overall wellness by helping you maintain a healthy weight, manage stress levels and sleep better at night (which all play a role in reducing chronic pain).

Motor point electrical stimulation is another type of treatment used by our acupuncturists to manage shoulder pain. The electrical stimulation device is used to treat shoulder pain by sending a mild electrical current through the needles at specific acupuncture points that help relieve pain and reduce inflammation in the body.

What Kind of Results Can I Expect From Acupuncture Treatment?

It’s important to note that not everyone responds to acupuncture in the same way. Some people experience immediate relief from pain or symptoms, while others find that it takes several treatments before they begin to see results. Many factors influence how well your body responds to acupuncture, including your age and health status.

Will Acupuncture Help Alleviate My Shoulder Pain Long-term?

If you’re suffering from shoulder pain, acupuncture might be the right treatment for you. According to research, acupuncture helps alleviate shoulder pain long-term.

The way it works is by increasing blood flow to the area where you have pain. This can help reduce inflammation and swelling, which is often what causes the pain in the first place.

Acupuncture also stimulates nerves in your body that release endorphins, which are natural painkillers. This means that not only will the acupuncture itself help relieve your pain, but it will also help keep it from coming back!

If you’re like me, then you love walking your dog. Don’t let shoulder pain jeopardize your special time with your furry friend. Vancouver acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment for shoulder pain. If you suffer from chronic or acute shoulder pain, consider booking an appointment with one of our acupuncturists.