What Our Acupuncture on Main Street Can Do for Your Stress?

What Our Acupuncture on Main Street Can Do for Your Stress?

Are you stressed? If yes, you’re not alone. Stress is a major concern for many people. In fact, it is the top health complaint to health practitioners. You may be surprised at how stress can affect your emotions, physical health, and even performance at work or school. Stress has even been demonstrated to shorten our lifespan! Sorry to stress you out over that. The great news is that we have a solution.

Experts praise acupuncture for reducing stress and anxiety. What type of benefits can our acupuncture on Main Street in Vancouver have for your stress levels? Keep reading!

Reduce Stress Levels

When you experience stress, your body is flooded with adrenaline as part of your fight-or-flight response and cortisol to keep you going when stress becomes chronic. This can lead to several health problems, including inflammation, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

Our acupuncture on Main Street can help you reduce stress levels by stimulating your body’s natural relaxation response. One of the ways that acupuncture works is by causing your body to release more of the feel-good endorphin called serotonin, which helps you feel less stressed and more relaxed.

Improve Sleep Quality

Poor sleep quality and insomnia are common complaints among people who suffer from stress, and they can have a significant impact on your overall health. When you’re not getting enough sleep, it can be difficult to focus on the things that matter most in life, like your work and time to connect with friends and family.

People have been using acupuncture to treat insomnia for centuries, and a growing number of studies support its effectiveness as a treatment for insomnia. According to research, acupuncture has been shown to improve sleep quality by increasing the amount of time spent in restorative sleep and decreasing the amount of time spent awake or tossing and turning during the night. In addition, people undergoing acupuncture treatment experience fewer waking periods throughout the night compared with patients receiving sham treatment or no treatment at all.

Enhances Immune Function

Did you know that stress weakens your immune response? When you are stressed, your body diverts attention away from your immune system, leaving you vulnerable.

One of the most important things acupuncture does is enhance your immune function. It does this, in part, by increasing the activity of T cells, which are responsible for fighting off infections.

Vancouver acupuncture also helps your body produce cytokines, which are chemicals that strengthen your immune system and stimulate its response to inflammation. This means that when you get sick, acupuncture will help your body work harder to fight off whatever germ has made you sick.

Reduce Pain and Inflammation

Stress can take a toll on your body. It can cause or aggravate pain and inflammation. Fortunately, getting acupuncture is a great way to reduce both of these problems.

By placing needles in specific locations, our acupuncturists are able to stimulate blood flow and release endorphins, which will help relieve pain and reduce inflammation. In fact, the word “endorphin” comes from endogenous, meaning made by the body, and morphine, a highly recognized painkiller. The bonus is that acupuncture is not addictive and doesn’t risk the side effects of morphine and other opioid drugs. And because acupuncture helps to manage chronic pain by stimulating your body’s own natural painkillers (endorphins), it can be a huge help for those who suffer from inflammatory conditions such as arthritis.

Balance Emotions

As part of the holistic practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that recognizes the integral connection between mind, emotions, and body, acupuncture can help balance your emotions.  

The emotions that we experience every day are often a reflection of our physical health and vice versa. Acupuncture can help you feel calmer, more relaxed, and happier by restoring balance to both your emotional and physical health.

Acupuncture can be an important part of your stress management plan

Stress is a huge problem in today’s world. The stress that we experience can cause us to feel tired, irritable, anxious, and overwhelmed. Acupuncture on Main is a great way to relieve and treat many of the symptoms of stress.

For the best acupuncture on Main Street in Vancouver, reach out to My Rest.