We offer a wide range of health services, including:


Tui Na Massage






Ayurvedic Head Massage


BBTRS (BioDynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release System)

Radiant Rest: Yoga Nidra

Reproductive Health Counselling


Acupuncture is a safe, comfortable, and effective treatment modality that is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and as such, has been in use for thousands of years.

Many people find it very relaxing and calming, while others feel energized and more balanced mentally as well as physically.

Acupuncture is commonly used to reduce pain, speed up the healing of injuries, release tension, and calm the nervous system, though it is used to treat a wide range of symptoms and illnesses like hormonal imbalance, digestive disorders, insomnia, anxiety, depression, and even undiagnosed mystery woes.

For more about Vancouver acupuncture, what it treats, how it works, and what to expect, click here.

acupuncture vancouver natural health

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Tui Na Massage

Tui na (pronounced twee-na) is a form of bodywork based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The name of this massage therapy modality comes from the two words describing actions in the treatment: tui means “to push” and na means “to grab or squeeze.”

Tui na goes beyond addressing the muscles, bones, and joints to work with the body on a deeper, energetic level. It is traditionally practised on fully clothed clients, so you should wear loose, comfortable clothing to ensure your practitioner can move your through a full range of motion.

For more about tui na, its benefits, and what to expect, click here.

acupuncture vancouver tui na massage

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Cupping acupuncture Vancouver community acupuncture

Cupping has been used in many ancient healing traditions. We have glass cups for “fire cupping,” as well as silicone cups. We do both stationary and moving cupping, which involves sliding the cups over your muscles.

Cupping can be used for tension, pain, increasing circulation, and detoxifying. When placed strategically, the strong suction pulls up stagnated blood and toxins so that fresh circulation can be restored to the area for rejuvenation. Bruising and redness afterward are good signs of a highly therapeutic treatment!

For more about cupping, its benefits, and what to expect, click here.

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Jikiden reiki Vancouver natural health

The word “Jikiden” means “directly handed down” in Japanese. Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a Japanese word meaning universal life energy. This energy is the natural, vital healing force found in all life. When a reiki practitioner places hands on an area of your clothed body, Universal Energy flows thru the practitioner to the client until the treatment stops.

Although the experience of reiki treatment is completely individual, clients often report a feeling of warmth, well-being, comfort, deep relaxation, and revitalization. Reiki relaxes muscles, stills the mind, and eases pain. Reiki treatment can accelerate healing.

For more about Reiki, its benefits, and what to expect, click here.

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Counselling can help open doors to fuller engagement with life and release the obstacles that block your true potential and emotional stability.

We offer both online and in-person consultations with a wide range of counselling approaches.

Some of the areas we can help you address include:

• Stress
• Anxiety
• Insomnia
• Trauma
• Grief and Loss
• Perfectionism 
• Sexuality and gender identity
• Parenting teens
• Inner child exploration and healing

We are honoured to help you on your journey and happy to connect with you for a free initial consultation.

For more about counselling, its benefits, and what to expect, click here.

reflexology Vancouver

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hypnotherapy Vancouver

Hypnotherapy can be offered in conjunction with coaching and counselling, and/or as a stand alone service, depending on your needs. Whether you’re struggling with anxiety, stress, fears/phobias, pain, limiting beliefs, weight management, low self confidence, or habit change, hypnotherapy can enhance your ability to create the change you desire and deserve.

Hypnotherapy creates a state of deep relaxation that facilitates improved focus and concentration. This allows for communication with your subconscious mind to reprogram unhelpful patterns that are responsible for negative behaviours, resulting in a shift you may have previously struggled to imagine.

For more about online hypnotherapy, its benefits, and what to expect, click here.

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Coaching guides you down a path to identify your personal, professional, and health and wellness needs and desires, recognise your strengths and challenges, and adapt your behaviours and lifestyle to better align with your dreams and life goals. The key to your unique transformation is already within you. Through respectful, holistic, and transformational coaching, you’ll arm yourself with the tools and habits required to live your life filled with freedom, peace, joy, and abundance.

You’ll be supported to:

  • Authentically reconnect with yourself
  • Acknowledge and reconcile your internal turmoil.
  • Repair, strengthen, and deepen your relationship with yourself and others.
  • Prioritize yourself, your happiness, health, and wellness.
  • Shift gears and start thriving instead of just surviving.

For more about coaching, its benefits, and what to expect, click here.


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Ayurvedic Head Massage

ayurvedic head massage vancouver natural health

Using oils, and a combination of vigorous and gentle movements, along with pressure on marma points (Ayruvedic acupressure/trigger points) this treatment focuses on the face, head, neck, shoulders, upper back, arms, and upper chest.

Shiro Abhyanga (Head Massage) massage is part of Ayurvedic therapy. Over 5,000 years old, this nurturing & invigorating treatment refreshes our nervous system and promotes longevity and overall wellness. It returns us to our balanced centre by renewing our energy and relieving built up stress.

If you plan to have the oil used during your treatment, It is recommended that you bring a sarong or a hair tie to tie your hair back when you leave. You can also choose not to have oil put in your hair.

For more about Ayurvedic head massage, its benefits, and what to expect, click here.

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reflexology vancouver bc

Reflexology is a form of massage that involves applying pressure to specific areas on the feet to relieve stress, improve circulation, and promote relaxation. These “reflex areas” correspond to organs and systems of the body, so stimulating them with pressure helps improve circulation to the related area of the body.

Reflexology can help you reduce stress, promote circulation, improve sleep, manage pain, and support good health, overall.

For more about reflexology, its benefits, and what to expect, click here.

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BBTRS (BioDynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release System)

BBTRS Breathwork Trauma Release Vancouver

BBTRS, which stands for BioDynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release System, is a powerful and gentle therapeutic approach that integrates deep connected breathing with conscious movement, sound, touch, and meditation. When we pay attention to our felt sense, we become deeply re-connected to our bodies again. This work is designed to release tension, emotional blockages, and trauma stored in the body, promoting physical and emotional well-being.

For more about BBTRS, its benefits, and what to expect, click here.

For further questions or to book an appointment, please contact Lynn directly at 604-603-4591.

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Radiant Rest: Yoga Nidra

Yoga nidra has nothing to do with physical exercises, poses and stretching. In fact, this particular kind of yoga is a meditative practice which is done in a comfortable resting position. This practice is a guided, multi-level journey through the body, mind and spirit and a great way for you to slow down and recover from the stressors of life.

Yoga nidra sessions consist of:

  • calming breath patterns
  • progressive muscle relaxation
  • visualization
  • guided imagery
  • connection with positive intentions
  • cultivation of deeper levels of awareness

Yoga nidra sessions are designed to help you move through deeper states of consciousness, to calm your nervous system and enhance your overall well being. Sessions last about 40 minutes and can be done one-to-one with a practitioner or in a small group. There is something special about joining together with others, both in-person or online, and having an expansive experience together. Individual sessions are also great because they can be tailored to your particular wellness goals and desired outcomes (contact carlymyrest@gmail.com to book a private session).

For more about yoga nidra, its benefits, and what to expect, click here.

Reproductive Health Counselling

We offer online reproductive health counselling, which includes natural family planning to help you optimize your chances of getting pregnant or prevent unplanned pregnancies. 

During the session, we will be discuss your diet, lifestyle, and environment and offer you tools and techniques to help you achieve optimal health and wellbeing.  

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