Promote Healing and Growth With Brainspotting

Brainspotting empowers individuals to address and transform their innermost experiences, promoting healing and growth.

By: Carly Belzberg

By focusing on specific eye positions, known as Brainspots, Brainspotting enables individuals to locate and address the root of their emotional and psychological experiences. This technique harnesses the powerful connection between our eyes and brains, recognizing that nearly half of the brain is dedicated to vision.

Just as our eyes scan the external environment for relevant information, they can also help us navigate our internal landscape, locating both trauma and positive states held within the brain. Through focused mindfulness, Brainspotting allows clients to stay present and engaged with specific points where trauma or difficulty are stored, facilitating deep reprocessing and ultimately leading to relief and resolution.

This approach acknowledges the profound role our visual field plays in our internal processing, offering a unique avenue for accessing and releasing unresolved trauma and difficult patterns. By utilizing the brain-body connection and the innate capacity for self-healing, Brainspotting empowers individuals to address and transform their innermost experiences, promoting healing and growth.


Athletes face a unique set of challenges and stresses that can significantly impact their performance, both mentally and physically. Traumas, injuries, losses, and humiliations are not uncommon experiences in the competitive world of sports, and they can indeed leave lasting effects on athletes.

Ski Racer

One of my patients has been facing an inability to perform with the ease that she once did and has been experiencing anxiety before and during races that are indicative of underlying psychological blocks. The majority of these blocks stemmed from her past injuries, accidents, fears, and anxieties, all of which have been impacting her confidence and ability to perform at their best.

Through Brainspotting sessions, she was able to delve into memories, fears and patterns of holding back in a safe and supportive environment. By processing and resolving these issues she gradually released the mental, emotional and physical barriers that were limiting her performance.

As a result, this ski racer has experienced a profound transformation. She regained trust in herself and her abilities, which allowed her to tap into her natural flow and athleticism once again. With renewed confidence and mental clarity, she was able to approach her routines with exhilaration and joy, unlocking her full potential as an athlete

This story underscores the power of Brainspotting in helping athletes not only overcome performance-related challenges but also rediscover their passion and joy for their sport. By addressing the mind-body connection and accessing the deeper layers of the subconscious, Brainspotting can empower athletes to break free from limiting patterns and achieve peak performance.

If you are interested in Brainspotting sessions, reach out to Carly Belzberg at My Rest