Are you tired of stuck patterns and difficult feelings that hold you back?

Are you looking for more supportive ways of seeing yourself and your life? 

Are you hoping to create the kind of growth that results in stable and lasting change?

Just as we all have vulnerabilities, we also have hopes for inner peace, accomplishment, and meaningful connections. Counselling can help open doors to fuller engagement with life and release the obstacles that block our true potential and emotional stability. The goals of counselling are varied to meet each individual’s specific needs, but ultimately the aim is to increase insight, strengthen the capacity to cope, and increase a positive sense of oneself, one’s life, and one’s possibilities.

At My Rest, counselling takes place online, within a safe and supportive alliance between the counsellor and client where confidentiality, respect, and care are of utmost importance. Using a combination of evidence-based therapeutic interventions, clients are supported in a context that is inclusive and welcomes diversity. Within a collaborative counselling relationship, clients are helped to explore both internal and interpersonal dynamics in a way that validates their personal experiences and core beliefs. We believe in fundamental human goodness and feel that all people have the potential for meaningful change and growth.

Some of the counselling approaches we can offer include:

• Acceptance & Commitment (ACT)
• Internal Family Systems (IFS)
• Focusing Oriented Therapy
• Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT)
• Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)
• Trauma Informed
• Solution Focused Therapy
• Creative Arts Therapy
• Narrative Therapy
• Mindfulness Based Therapy
Brainspotting Therapy

We know that it takes courage to reach out for support and make changes in your life. We are honoured to help you on your journey and happy to connect with you for a free initial consultation. We offer online counselling.