Acupuncture as one of the treatments of traditional Chinese medicine has been used for centuries to promote healing and balance within the body. Over the years, various techniques and approaches to acupuncture have been developed, each with its own unique benefits. One such technique is Floating Needle Acupuncture, also known as Fu’s Subcutaneous Needling (FSN), which offers a range of advantages for those seeking alternative methods for wellness and pain relief.
What is Floating Needle Acupuncture (FSN)?
FSN is a specialized technique within the broader practice of acupuncture. In FSN, the needles are inserted superficially into the skin and then manipulated while the practitioner either moves the body part or asks the patient to move. FSN also uses a specialized needle that is quite different from the standard acupuncture needle you may be familiar with, but it is still sterile and used only once before being properly disposed.
As mentioned in the name, the needling is done superficially into the fat and connective tissue under the skin, where there are fewer nerve endings. By stimulating this tissue that is connected to the muscles underneath, it can relax those muscles, releasing trigger points and relieving pain and tension.
The Benefits of Floating Needle Acupuncture
1. Instant Relief
One of the primary benefits of FSN is the speed that it works, as pain relief is often noted as soon as the needle is removed.
2. Fewer Needles
FSN uses only a few needles to target specific muscles and areas, though your acupuncturist may choose to add other regular acupuncture needles for a more holistic traditional acupuncture approach.
3. Targeted Pain Relief
FSN can be particularly beneficial for those seeking relief from localized pain and discomfort. The technique allows for precise targeting of specific areas of the body, making it an effective option for addressing conditions such as back pain, joint pain, and muscle tension. By gently manipulating the needles in the superficial layers of the skin, FSN can help alleviate pain and improve mobility in targeted areas.
Floating Needle Acupuncture or Fu’s Subcutaneous Needling (FSN) is effective at relieving discomfort and targeting pain relief. Because it requires specific knowledge and skills, FSN requires a registered acupuncturist who has completed the training. Sasha Li is My Rest’s resident FSN acupuncturist, and she offers this treatment under the heading of “Acupuncture Plus.”
If you’re new to acupuncture at My Rest and want FSN, book in for Initial Visit Acupuncture Treatment. If you’ve had acupuncture at My Rest and want FSN, book in for Acupuncture Plus.